multidisciplinary artist

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work on view - ISG cocktail event @ AWCB 21 january 2011 ( work on view until 4 february 2011)

if you are a member of the american women's club of brussels and/or live in the ukkle/st. job/ rhode st genèse/ waterloo area of brussels then stop by the awcb in rhode st genèse to see works on view in a group exhibition there from 21 january until 4 february.

exhibition is hosted by the international study group of brussels and i would like to say thank-you for the invitation to present my work as part of this group exhibition.

as the awcb is a private institution you may want to call ahead if you are not a member and are interested in seeing the work. location and contact information can be found on the awcb website .

Tamara RafkinComment
Creative Commons License
This work by Tamara Rafkin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.