multidisciplinary artist

news & events

October and what's going on...

​It's been a very busy beginning of the month with returning from the OBRAS residency in Renkum, NL and all the wonderful people met at UNSEEN in Amsterdam last month.

Last weekend was the first weekend of the group exhibition with ​my ceramic work on view (for the first time); there are two more weekends of the exhibition at time of this posting and information is below in an older post as to the where & when.

Next week heading Stateside with a trip down South to Atlanta GA and Charleston SC. While mainly for personal reasons I've been asked to give a lecture at SCAD to the class of an ex-professor of mine​ on both my Fine Art and more Rock & Roll work that I'm looking forward to.

Time in the States is short and full of events, but if you're in either of the places I'm heading towards and want to talk about what you see here online just send over an email via the contact page.​

Lots of new images in the Digital Sketchbook if you haven't stopped by there in a while and hopefully during Winter hibernation season I'll find the time to get more work online into the home page portfolio sections.​

Thanks for stopping by,​


Tamara RafkinComment
Creative Commons License
This work by Tamara Rafkin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.