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Watching Houses materialize + gallery update

April has been a busy month and as it draws to a close here's an update of what's being going on...

Having spent a good portion of the month in NYC I finally had time to get into the rental darkroom I print at-  My Own Color . That being said, the Watchful Houses series now has 8 images in their Full Edition of 3 prints + Artist Proofs; as well as a 9th with half the edition done. Images below are the prints available and the edition is split between continents as usual with half in art storage in NYC and half with me in Belgium.
 If you are interested in seeing the images in person ( on either side of the Atlantic) contact me and it can be happily arranged.

Also I am pleased to announce that OSMOS Project Space  ( 50 E. 1 Street, NYC) has Sleeping Houses 6 and if you are interested in viewing it please contact Cay Sophie Rabinowitz at OSMOS . 

Looking forward to sharing more news soon,


Tamara Rafkin2 Comments
Creative Commons License
This work by Tamara Rafkin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.