multidisciplinary artist

news & events

Last few weeks current exhibition and upcoming exhibitions

As November is almost here that means that the 3rd International Biennial of Fine Art and Documentary Photography in Malaga, Spain that I happy to have work in is in it's final weeks. If you happen to be in that part of the world please stop by the Heritage Museum and enjoy the exhibition.

Coming the first week of December here in Brussels I will have both photography and ceramic work on view at The American Women's Club in Rhode St Genese. As an American woman expat in Belgium it is a nice chance to share my work with other members of the expat community in Brussels and of course you don't have to be an expat to come enjoy the exhibition. The exhibition will be on from the first week of December through the Holidays with a vernissage ( opening) Thursday the 4th of December from 18:30 until 21:00. I will be showing smaller works and ceramic works more accessible to collecting for the expat ( always moving) public. Also a great moment to pick up some original artwork as a gift for someone special.

Currently I'm working on a collaborative project here in Aalst with Pieter Van Keymeulen & Renate Coen involving Pieter's and my photography and Renate's written words. We will be exhibiting this work sometime Spring 2015 in Aalst Belgium.

Also pleased to announce my involvement in Kunstzomer Leiestreek 2015, where I will be exhibiting my photography. Details aren't fully worked out yet but exhibition period will be Summer 2015 - more information to come as it is available. Looking forward to this exhibition in West Flanders.

If you would like to be added to my announcement list don't forget to go to the mailing list page and fill in your info. I promise not overload your in-box.


Tamara Rafkin1 Comment
Creative Commons License
This work by Tamara Rafkin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.