Spring Information
Hello everyone!
My travel to NYC over the past month was a busy time mainly in the darkroom printing more of the Watchful Houses ( soon to be online) as well as images for the Worries project that will be part of the final installation of the 21 works planned. A few new images that may be the beginning of a new series also made their way through the color processor and as I can, I will post them as well.
While working hard in my rental darkroom of choice ( My Own Color in Chelsea, NYC) I was happy to find out that my NightFlowers image was accepted to be part of the 3rd International Biennial of Fine Art and Documentary Photography in Malaga, Spain opening September 18th, 2014 and on view until November 9th, 2014. I'm looking forward to having work in this exhibition which will be held at the Municipal Heritage Museum in Malaga.
I'm also happy to be able to let you know that OSMOS address NYC ( the Gallery part of OSMOS magazine) not only has on view Sleeping Houses 6 but now also has a selection of both Sleeping Houses and Watchful Houses prints available to be viewed. Please call the gallery if you would like to make an appointment to see the prints in person.
That's all for now, here's hoping I have more to report to everyone soon.