We all carry our losses – the people, places, moments, objects, loves and times that have ended or slipped away from us. Standing at a point where humanity is without communal ways to mourn our losses, this project offers a ritual and space to place it.
Transforming the feelings and thoughts of loss via participation with the artwork, viewers will be able to add their own losses to the work by writing what they mourn on clay tiles that Ms. Rafkin will pound into dust as part of the work.
The dust from the tiles will be added to a communal circle that everyone is invited to spend time with over the two days the work is on view during Newburgh Open Studios. We invite you to join in participation with this work which will be held outside in the garden at Holland Tunnel Gallery Newburgh, weather permitting.
We ask you to please observe social distancing rules and hand sanitizing requests while participating with this artwork and the artist thanks you for your understanding in regards to these rules.
“Dust to Dust” is the second in Ms. Rafkin’s transformative artworks, following her “Worries” project where Ms. Rafkin has been collecting the worries of people that she is encapsulating in clay beads to make worry bead strands releasing their worries in the firing of the beads.