multidisciplinary artist

news & events

Catching Up! How is it 2025?!?

Hello Everyone,

It has been a while since I posted anything here - Some of you are aware that I’m in the process of a 3 yr MFA at the University of North Texas. Going back to get another degree as an older student is no joke, but it is expanding my work in fantastic ways.

Last year was a big year of growth in my work as well as being in several exhibitions, teaching undergrad classes and just trying to navigate life.

2025 has some exciting things in store that I will share about later but I will be attempting over the next month to add new work to this website and my Artwork Archive site.

I’m still open for commissions and if you see work you are interested in just contact me to discuss purchasing.

Thanks for checking in and looks for more updates soon!


Creative Commons License
This work by Tamara Rafkin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.